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Looking at Moray East

Commitment to sustainability

At Fred. Olsen Windcarrier we have a strong commitment to Sustainability. The very core of Fred. Olsen Windcarrier’s value proposition and business model is to be a critical part of building offshore wind which is one of the core technologies to provide the world with clean, green energy. The sustainability movement leads the way, and we are one of the visionaries supporting the quest for a future which is run on renewable energy. We are committed to the future of offshore wind energy and conduct our business with good corporate governance – always focusing on the core of our company, the people.

Sustainability at a glance

LTIF 1.1% across all operations in 2022
Zero cases of corruption in 2022
440MW contribution to renewable energy production in 2022


From a business perspective, good corporate governance is of great importance to FOWIC as it not only sets the “Tone at the Top” from senior management but also provides direction and guidance towards achieving the goals through the management and control of FOWIC. Governance activities within FOWIC are carried out systematically and effectively aiming to ensuring that any prevailing risks are taken into consideration in the decision-making process and dealt with appropriately.


Sunset From Blue Tern

Working towards a more sustainable future, we measure environmental impact as part of our KPIs.

Our vessels are state-of-the-art clean ship design, meeting the most stringent class requirements. Efficient ship energy management contributes to reducing the CO2 and NOX footprint.


Protecting personnel is always the first and foremost priority. With a heritage of Norwegian excellence, you can be sure that your project meets the highest health and safety standards. With HSEQ embedded in our culture, we deliver safe, timely and dependable outcomes at every stage.

Learn more about HSEQ here.

At Fred. Olsen Windcarrier, we take our responsibilities seriously, with human rights and labor standards being a priority. Across our organization, at every level, we are committed to complying with national and maritime laws, rules, and regulations, and we require our subcontractors to do the same.


We also have zero tolerance policy towards discrimination of any kind around gender, age, ethnic origin, disability, sexual orientation, religion, political opinion, or otherwise. The personnel policy is defined in our Personnel Handbook and is reflected in the Code of conduct covering fundamental employment rights, human rights, non-acceptance of child labour, and acceptance of union memberships.

The principles of OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and UN Global compact Guiding principles on business and human rights is incorporated into Fred. Olsen Windcarrier’s governing policies. In line with the Norwegian Transparency Act, external stakeholders may always contact FOWIC main office for further information or report any actual or suspected violations and breaches here.

Promoting equality at sea

Work Discussions on Blue Tern (2)

Fred. Olsen Windcarrier is satisfied with its balanced distribution of men and women onshore at all levels and we are constantly investing in ways to promote a higher and sustained presence of women at sea.

Although the global portion of women to men among the seafaring community is low, Fred. Olsen Windcarrier continues its effort to emphasize recruiting appropriate female seafaring colleagues for the future growth of the company. You can read more about our efforts to bring women on board our vessels here.

Man Looks At Turbine Load Out
Helicoptor approaching Brave Tern
Gangway and Bold Tern
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We are committed to the future of offshore wind energy